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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 09/16/08
September 16th, 2008  -DRAFT

Selectmen Meeting Minutes of September 15th, 2008  

Present: M. Genest, S. Schacht, G. Webber, D. Chauncey, D. Duffy

1. The selectmen voted to go into non-public session at 4:50 P.M. per RSA 91.4: a  to discuss personnel issues.

2. The Selectmen voted to go back to public session at 5:02. They voted to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

3.  The Selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of August 26, 2008.

4. Press Release of the appointment of Neal Cass was read by M. Genest. Mr. Neal Cass was formally appointed as Antrim’s new Town Administrator, who will begin on October 14, 2008.

5.  M. Genest read a letter on behalf of the Board of Selectmen and on the recommendation of the Police Administrator, Scott Lester, announcing the promotion of Corporal Sean Cavanaugh to the position of Sergeant Cavanaugh of the Antrim Police Department.

6. M. Genest read a letter on behalf of the Board of Selectmen expressing sincere thanks to Officer Adam King for all the extra time and hours that he had worked over the last several months to insure that the town had proper police protection.

7. The Selectmen invited Rebecca Harris (Contoocook Valley Transportation Co-Operative) to discuss the use of the Antrim Community Bus. Ms. Harris is interested in developing a four-town (Antrim, Bennington, Francestown, Hancock) participation in the Ride-Share program [an online share board for work, errands, recreation, medical needs, etc.]and the Shuttle  bus program (ex. – Community Suppers in the 4 towns). Antrim is the only town with a bus ; and Ms. Harris would  like to see the other 3 to contribute to the lease of the bus. The Selectmen thought the concept was very good and look forward to Ms. Harris’ tentative bus schedule and fee schedule.

8. The Selectmen discussed the North Main Street Bridge project with W. & L. Bezio (residents of North Main Street). The Bezios were concerned about the placement of a hydrant in front of their property and the easement of the property. The Selectmen and S. Burnside (contractor of the project) assured the Bezios that their concerns for the easement would be carefully considered.

9. In the joint meeting of the Selectmen and the Water & Sewer Commissioners, the following was discussed:

        a. The fire hydrant at Campbell Pond – need to determine its capability – the Water                   Commissioners will discuss this with M. Gale (Antrim Fire Dept)
        b. W. & A. Enman questioned the capabilities of the two hydrants in on Pierce Lake Road                 and  Elm Avenue
        c. Water & Sewer Planned Projects:
                -Replace pipe under Contoocook River in between Antrim and Bennington
                -Highland Avenue
        d. Future subdivisions and their water resource needs
        e. Water & Sewer security needs: alarms (overflow safety, gates open, doors open, etc.)
        f. Possibilities of joint use of equipment for Water & Sewer and Highway Department
        g. Software program updates – PWIM (GIS program that will coordinate the real W & S                     system with the software program)
        f. Question of funds for the North Main Street Bridge Project

10. Other Business:
        a. The Antrim Fire Department has received a grant in the amount of $63,000.00 (Federal                 share, $59,850.00, Town’s share, $3,500.00) for air paks for the fireman. Marshall
                Gale wrote the grant.
        b. The White Birch Point Association had written to W. Prokop regarding planting of White               Birch trees. The Conservation Commission will discuss the planting, placement  and              care  of the trees  at their next scheduled meeting.
        c. The Safe Routes to School grant from the NH Department of Transportation is to be fully              funded for the Town of Antrim. Fourteen crosswalks, the signage for the crosswalks,             new bike racks for AES and GBS, completion of the Highland Avenue sidewalk, and                 Educational component are all included in the funding. Diane Chauncey wrote the                 grant.
        d. The regional Selectmen meeting is postponed to November 8, 2008 from 9:00 – 1:30 in          the Peterborough Selectman Meeting Room.

11. The Selectmen voted to go into non-public session at 6:30 P.M. per RSA 91.4: a to discuss personnel issues.

12. The Selectmen voted to go back to public session at 6:55. They voted to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

13. The Selectmen approved the A/P and payroll for the week and reviewed miscellaneous correspondence.

11. The Selectmen voted to go into non-public session at 7:10 P.M. per RSA 91.4: a to discuss personnel issues.
12. The Selectmen voted to go back to public session at 7:35. They voted to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

13.  The closure of the Old North Branch Road Bridge and the change to three (3) tons, "Passenger Cars Only" on the Water Street Bridge was discussed. A Public Notice will be place on the website and in the September 18, 2008 issue of the Ledger Transcript. M. Genest will contact the School Bus Company.
14. The meeting adjourned at 8:00 P.M. The next regular meeting will be October 15, 2008.
Diane Chauncey, On behalf of the Antrim Board of Selectmen